Maybe because I had a lot of events going on and I was always running around from one meeting to another, but April just made me think "wow why isn't this month over yet?" and "wow I can't believe it's almost over" as the same time. And I'm 20 years old now! Crazy, huh? Despite the fact that the whole month was stressful and busy, my birthday was super chill and relaxing which was much needed. I'm kind of revisiting some of the things I learned in the previous months but April was definitely a month of trying to better myself. 

No matter how well you plan, something will go wrong: I'm one of those people that don't like being in situations where I'm not in control. I like planning things and when things don't go according to plan, I get antsy and you do not want to be around me when I get like that. I'm trying to be more cool, calm and collected whenever I'm in a situation where I'm not in control but so far I've only distanced myself from the actual situations instead of facing them head on. It's hard but I'm working on being comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Treat yo self: Eat a big breakfast, buy yourself a new pair of shoes, cancel plans and have a Me day. When things get rough, it's okay to take a step back and treat yourself to something that'll make you feel better. And when things go right, reward yourself!

If you fail, you can try again: It's so easy to get discouraged when things don't go to plan, trust me I know. But failure is a part of life. You can work hard and still lose. You just need to remember that you can still do whatever it is you want to do. Just because it took you longer doesn't make your success any less important.

iscelle robee


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