If you're in university, then you've probably just finished with midterms. I, fortunately, did not have mid terms this semester but I have some friends who were more than a little freaked out about their exams. Just because I didn't have to worry about mid terms doesn't mean I haven't been stressed out though. College has been crazy and it's part of the reason why I haven't been posted something on here in weeks. So now that I have time, I'm going to share with you guys some of the things I do to relax and de-stress.

Sleep - This one is my favorite. Just stop what you're doing, take an hour nap (or two hours, treat yo'self) and when you wake up, you'll feel better and refreshed. 

Workout - You don't have to go full out beast mode but being active gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't. Wait, what?*

Go for a walk - I go to small university so it doesn't take a lot to walk the entirety of it. Sometimes I walk from my dorm to the library, which is on the other side of campus, just so I'm outside even just for a little bit and getting some fresh air.

Go somewhere you've never been before - You could go all out and actually travel to different places but if you have #brokecollegekidsprobz like me then you can go to places around the city you live in. Go to that bookstore you've been wanting to go to. Go window shopping downtown. Have a "me" day or go with your friends.

Call someone - I prefer texting over phone calls but sometimes reading words off of a screen just ain't cutting it. Whether you call your mom or your best friend, you instantly feel more calm hearing their voice. 

Change your scenery - This is for when you need to study and get things done but is super stressed. Studying in a different place could help you feel re-energized and motivated to continue.

I hope this helps you guys find your inner peace and relax. I've missed blogging and will hopefully be returning to regular blogging soon! 

iscelle robee

* This is from Legally Blonde


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