For someone who likes things to be planned out and organized, I'm actually not an organized by nature. It wasn't until last year (my senior year) that I committed to using a planner. Since I have a lot more free time in college and I don't go to the same classes everyday, it's easy to forget what I need to do for classes or what advising/meetings I need to attend. We're well into the school year, and I wanted to share with you guys some of the things I do to keep track of everything I do!

Planner: Planners are a must if you want to be organized. It's good to have a place where you can see what you have going on for the whole week. You could also write use apps on your phone. I use an app called "Google Keep" to make lists of things I need to remember if I don't have my planner with me. Whenever I use my planner, I use black ink to write down what we did in class, red ink for important things like tests, meetings or due dates, and purple ink for OST posts. Whenever I finish something I cross it out so I don't have to worry about it.

Post-It Notes: I love using Post-It Notes for everything. If you look through my planner you'll find Post-Its stuck unto random pages, usually the weeks where I was super busy. I also write down important dates on Post-Its and stick them on the wall next to desk. That way I have an extra reminder of what's coming up.

Notebook and Folders For Each Class: This one is super obvious and simple but keeping your subjects separate will make things easier. Keep all your class handouts in their designated folders so you can easily reach for them.

What do you guys do to stay organize?

iscelle robee


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