"School is a week away." That sounds like a beginning of a teen novel doesn't it? Nope, it is indeed a fact and with every 'new year' I like to come up with a list of things I want to do or achieve. Just like new year's resolutions, it's one of those things were I usually actively try to do in the beginning but jump ship a few weeks in. Since this was a different kind of school year, I thought I'd still make a list of goals I want to achieve.

No Grades Below a B: I think everyone makes some sort of goal about their grades every school year. I should aim for all As but let's realistic. If I manage to have no grades below a B, I'd be amazed at myself.

Fancy Fridays: I have a feeling I'm going to be hobo-ing it up while I'm at college; i.e roll out of bed and go to class in the clothes I slept in. But it's always nice to dress up a little more and look pretty. I'm not talking a full on ball gown but a nice dress and maybe a pair of heeled sandals would work.

Go Running Every Weekend: The rec center at my university is really nice, so nice that I'm actually motivated to exercise? And I also want something to do that's kind of a hobby aside from blogging.

Lose 10 Pounds: The freshman 15 is very real. That is all.

Be Involved in Student Leadership Positions: Every school is different but most of leadership programs or a student council of sort. I really like being a part of those types of groups. I was a choir officer for two years and apart from actually teaching the class, the other officers and I pretty much planned everything. Because college has a more diverse group of people I'd be more exposed to different personalities and be able to better my communication skills.

iscelle robee


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