TAG // The Typical Girl

This tag has been going around on YouTube, and for the sake of not offending anyone I changed the original title (Basic White Girl Tag) to 'The Typical Girl Tag'. I thought it'd be fun to do since it's not really a beauty nor fashion tag. Here we go!

Favorite Starbucks drink?
* White chocolate mocha - hot, iced, frappuccino. And when I'm feeling fancy I get an iced caramel macchiato. I want to say 'pumpkin spiced latte' but it just doesn't sound appealing to me. Does it actually taste good?

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? *If I actually try to look nice and put on a full face of makeup, maybe twenty minutes? But if I just wanted to put on foundation and liquid eyeliner, I could get ready in less than ten minutes, given that I don't stare off into space (I do this a lot).

How many selfies do you take on a daily basis? *I don't....? I have less than ten selfies on my instagram and four or five of them have other people with me so the answer is zero.

How many Instagram followers do you have? How many pictures?
* I have 385 followers and 287 pictures. BUT. If I hadn't gone through and deleted a bunch of my pictures, I'd probably have close 500 now eeep.

Do you ever say LOL or OMG out loud?
* YES. I used to hate when people used lol in text messages but about a year ago my friend said 'lol no' in a real life conversation and I thought it was the most hilarious thing ever so I started saying. At first it was out of sarcasm but now I use it in everyday conversations. The same thing with 'omg'. I'm trying to stop but IT'S A DIFFICULT HABIT TO BREAK.

Do you wear the same clothing item more than once?
* Gurl, please. I throw my outfits away after I've used them (no, but really though. Is there anyone who seriously answered no?)

Are you rascist?
*....Who made up this tag?

How many tweets do you have?
*The personal twitter I have now is my new one so I only have 1,090 tweets. My other account, which I had for about four years had over 16k tweets. My 'blogging' twitter, which i've had for two weeks?, has twenty-four tweets.

Instagram, twitter or tumblr?
* I go on twitter and instagram more but I'd probably pick tumblr because it has everything; photographs, writings, and videos.

What do you spend most of your time doing?
*Sleeping, writing, watching YouTube channels, drinking milk tea. Like I said, I live a very interesting life.

How often do you do your nails?
*What counts as doing my nails....? Whenever I paint my nails it's never because I want to look good but because that's the only time I won't bite my fingernails (another difficult habit to break).

Are you a shoppaholic?
*I can honestly answer no. I always feel the urge to shop but I'm very well restrained. Got that self-control.

How many times have you seen Mean Girls?
*More than I'd like to admit.....

Do you wear makeup everyday?
*I wear some sort of base product everyday; bb cream, foundation or concealer and powder.

Average grades at school?
* ALL A'S CAUSE I'M SHARP. (yeah, no. I get A's and B's and then there's math...)

How do you usually style your hair?
*I call it the Kristen Stewart hair style. Look it up.

Do you always look presentable?
*Would it be too much if I said yes....? My mom is really big on what I wear out so it's mostly because of her. For example, most people wear pajama bottoms and an old shirt for rehearsals. But the one time I tried to wear sweatpants, she told me to go back upstairs and change into something "appropriate". So yes. I always look somewhat presentable.

Mmmm I'm not really the person to ask for these sort of tags, am I? I'm boring, guys. We've established this.

iscelle robee


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