Biffle Presents

As I wrote the title of this post, it came to me that you guys might be thinking - what the heck is a biffle? I've used that term a bunch of times on OST before, and it comes from BFFL - Best Friends For Life. My friends and I just decided to say it as 'biffle' and alas, the term was born. But that's not why I'm writing this. I wanted to share with you guys the awesome gifts my friends got me (I found out that they actually used my wish list/gift guide as a reference!). I've been holding back on using the news things (I've obviously used the Rimmel foundation, and you guys knows I love it) before I could get pictures so I can't give you guys mini reviews right now, except for the candle! Oh my goodness, it is heaven in a glass jar!

I know you guys are reading so THANK YOU! I love everything ♥

iscelle robee


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