International Love

Back in September, I messaged my cousin in the Philippines if she wanted the extra makeup that I had (plus a few bits that I bought for her). I could have easily just given these to my friends, but Etienne and I weren't close growing up because her family lived far away and now that we're older I've realized that we have things in common. Things like fashion/beauty and all things artsy (she also has a blog, The Petticoat). So basically, this was my way of reaching out to her. And after 8 months, my package finally reached her!

She tweeted me once she got the package and not a minute later tweeted me again with the open package! I was excited from her excitement! Wheeee! This was just a short post to show you guys my cousin's excitement. Go follow her! Her outfits are adorable, and she's related to me so you know she's awesome ;D

iscelle robee


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