Moroccan Argan Oil

Ever since I got interested in beauty and makeup stuff, I was least interested in the hair department. I was just using my standard shampoo with normal conditioner then blow drying it afterwards, without any heat protectant. Yes, I know. I'm clearly doing this whole thing wrong.

I've seen Youtubers go on about hair oils and everytime they talk about how good they are for their hair I'm just like "Mmm well if I used that then my hair would look like I drench it in oil by the end of the day".I know you're not supposed to wash your hair everyday but skipping a day is a big no-no for me. It gets greasy so easily that everyday washing is a must, and anything that'll make it worse is a no. My friend convinced me to get the travel sized bottle, just to try out. I didn't really want to get it but seeing as I blow dry my hair pretty much everyday I knew my locks needed some pampering.

You take a small amount of oil, and rub it onto the surface of damp, towel dried hair. I wasn't sure how often I was supposed to use it so I've been using it every other day for the past week, which means I've used it about four times? Not a lot of use, but I can already see and feel a difference with my hair. The ends looks less brittle and it's definitely made it shiny. Not in an oily way, but in a Pantene-commercial-wind-blowing-through-the-model's-hair sort of way. And every girl wants that right?

iscelle robee


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