Covergirl recently went cruelty free and it is the biggest company to do so!

For those of you who don't know, I went cruelty free with my makeup (still working on skincare and bodycare) almost three years ago now. Because the bigger brands that I was used to buying from, like L'oreal, Covergirl, and Rimmel London, aren't cruelty free, I've had to try out new products from brands I haven't tried out before to try and replace my old favorites. To be fair, Covergirl wasn't a brand I was overly interested in back then. Their foundations were always too pink, and aside from their mascaras nothing really called out to me. Since then, Covergirl has a bit of a revamp in their packaging and advertising, and they've come out with way more face products that have a massive shade range.

Now that such a big company is cruelty free, hopefully other brands follow their footsteps. My choices in the drugstore just got wider and I'm excited to try out their newer releases.

iscelle robee


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