This week has been extremely lethargic. I don't know whether is the warm temperature that's making me feel lazy or the end-of-the-semester-itis is coming on early. This week was also a bit of an emotional one. I started thinking about life and where I want to be and where I think I should be at this point and all the what-ifs and should-haves is making me feel a bit overwhelmed. It's never a good thing to think too deeply about life so I try to avoid it. But whenever it does happen, it's like my whole life up until this moment just plays in my head and shows me all the things that could have happened if I had made other choices. I like to believe that everything will turn out the way they're supposed to and that everything is predestined. That mentally was well and good until I realized that some people are meant for great things in life and others just aren't. And I'm terrified to think that I'm part of the latter group.

iscelle robee


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