Inspired Hank Green and Este from Essie Button, I decided to do the "15 Of My Favorite Feelings" tag. These aren't in any particular order and to be quite honest, there are probably some feelings that are in my top 15 that I couldn't think of as I was writing this.

When you tell someone what you want to do in life and they say they can see you doing that.
When you’re finally calm and able to do whatever you want after a period of being super busy.
When you finish a really good book.
When you listen to your favorite group/band/artists’ new song.
When you get a compliment about your personality – Or any compliments that don’t have to do with your physical appearance. They’re nice and appreciated but compliments about your personality are so much better because anyone can say that you’re pretty but saying that you have a good personality or saying that they admire how you are as a person means they’re really paying attention to who you are, not just how you look.
When you thought you failed something but it turns out you actually did pretty well.
When your eyeliner is even and looking on point.
When you’re super hungry at a restaurant and the tray that the waiter is bringing is for you.
When you take off your makeup after a long day.
When you change into pajamas after taking a shower.
When you give someone a present, and you see them actively using/wearing it
When you've just finished a really good meal
When someone you look up to says they're proud of you
When I'm with my baby niece; she's the prettiest baby ever!
When you finish a task you've been putting off for a long time.

There's so many more feelings I could put on this list but if I wrote down everything, we'd be here forever. What are your favorite feelings?

iscelle robee


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