Mini Haul

Last week, I went to the eye doctor to get new glasses and this time I got fitted for contacts too! YAY! Been wanting contacts for years, especially since starting high school since I'm in choir and dancing in glasses in not fun. My new glasses came in yesterday, and right when me and my brother got home we went to get it. Afterwards, my mom wanted to get Christmasy things at Target and of course I couldn't go to target and not get anything! Nothing special though, just face stuff and nail polish~

Bold Gold

Everytime my mom goes to Target, she has to stop by Ross since it's so close and it's super cheap things. I love Ross! I have so many things from there, and I just love getting things for way cheaper than I normally would. Who doesn't, right? I usually just get purses, shoes and clothing from Ross but this was the first time I've been to Ross since I started getting interested in makeup and beauty things in general so I stopped by the little beauty section and got a few things. I did buy a button down shirt and this really cute black blazer with spikes on the collar but I'll try and do a separate outfit post with those two.

Original: $16.99 Ross: $11.99

Original: $12.00 each Ross: $5.99 each

Original: $17.00 Ross: $8.99

This usually comes separately. You buy the compact, then you buy the refill bronzer. I saw a set with two refills and the compact so of course I had to get it!
Original: $30.00 Ross: $7.99
Original: $9.99 Ross: $4.99

iscelle robee


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