TAG // Beauty Things I Suck At!

I've mentioned it a few times before but here I go again; I am a makeup noob. That's not really something you'd want to hear from someone who has a beauty blog, but let's just learn together yeah? With that being said, when I saw this tag make it's rounds on YouTube I immediately watched everyone I could find, sat back and said "YES! I'm not the only one".

 There are a lot of things I'm not good at but these are the top five things that I should really work on.

1.) Getting the right shade - I know you can just go up to a department store counter and get matched but when  I buy drugstore foundation/concealer, it never works out for me. I get a color that looks light enough for me, it's too pink. I buy a shade that's definitely for yellow tones but it's too dark. I just can't win with this one.

2.) Applying eye shadow - I can do the basic light shadow all over the lid, darker color in the outer corner thing but whenever I try to venture out into the world of eye shadow I'm left looking like someone punched me. I can watch all the YouTube tutorials I can but alas, I'm just not cut out for it. I'm not even ashamed to say that the reason why this upsets me the most is the fact that I can't buy eye shadow palettes. I mean, I'd love to get every palette that Urban Decay has made but I just can't hand over that kind of money for something I won't use.

3.) Contouring - I was really to see that a lot of people had problems with this as well! I tell people I don't contour because I'm lazy when in reality I suck at it. I just don't understand how girls just have that perfectly chiseled look. When I do it, I'm left with bronzed cheeks and awkward streaks on my face which makes me look like I threw dirt at myself - attractive.

4.) Curling my hair - The only time my hair is curled is for special events, and even then I always ask my sister or my friends to it for me. I can never get the curls to go the same way, and whenever I see girls effortlessly curl their hair I'm just like "TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!" I tend to stay away from straighteners/curlers because I'm scared I'll burn myself eeek!

5.) Picking - This applies to a lot of things - my nails, my mascara, any spots I have on my face. Sometimes I don't even notice that I'm picking at my nails until it's third period and all of my nail polish is gone. I'm really bad at picking at my face as well which is why I have so many dark spots :( I can't help it sometimes, it's like my hands gravitate towards my face with the intention of helping when really they're making things worse.

I could go on for hours about this but that'd be too long a list. Who knows? Maybe my next post will feature me wearing the right shade of foundation with crazy, complicated eye shadow , contoured features and with my hair curled. That'd be a something, eh?

iscelle robee


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