Casually because I know myself and if I'm forced to write a certain amount, I'll end up writing nothing 😂

    For those of you who don't know what it is, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It's a yearly event where the goal is to write 50,000 words of a novel and at the end of it, you'll have a draft of the novel that's been rattling around in your head! I've watched videos where people talk about the supplies they'll be using, how they're keeping track of their plot and character and a schedule to ensure that they're writing a certain amount of words everyday. As much as I would love to just bang out a novel, there's no way that's happening for me so I'm taking this as a fun writing exercise. It's been a while since I've written creatively even though there's always scenarios running through my head. 

    Like I said, I'm keeping it casual so I'm going to be handwriting whatever story comes to mind. Whenever I type our a story, I always end up just going over the same sentences and not getting very far because I want the existing sentences to be ~perfect~. If I write with pen and paper, I just cross things out and continue writing. I don't spend as much time reading it over. When it comes to word count, it's going to be hard keeping track of that anyway so my daily goal will be to write. Just write. If I write a paragraph or an entire page, I'll be happy. I was thinking of rereading some of my favorite books to inspire me and remind me why I love making stories. Hopefully writing again will inspire me to also write more blog posts as well!

iscelle robee


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