I tried to think of goals for next year and the only ones I could come up with were book related. Not really surprised though. For years now, I've done away with new year's resolutions and just try to take things one day at a time. That works best for me and keeps me the most calm. For 2020, my reading goal was to read 15, 000 words and I've read almost twice that amount. Reading and the online book/reading community was a big part of 2020 for me even though I was more of a spectator than anything. It gave me something to do and something to distract myself with. 

    For the new year, I definitely want to keep up my reading but my reading goals are more action based rather than just hitting a number. These are things that I want to do change with my reading habits, not just for the new year. 


    The ultimate goal is to have a no buy. I have so many unread books, even after numerous unhauls, and considering how much I read this year I can see myself reading all of them. Even if I don't read all of my existing TBR books, the real goal is to not buy any books. Now for the low-buy portion of this goal; if I do buy books, my TBR and haul needs to be balanced. If I buy two books, I need to have read two or more books If I end up getting more books than the amount I read, I need to unhaul the difference between the two numbers. Did that make sense?? Basically my TBR needs to be equal or less the amount of what I started the year with. 


    I want to actually post short reviews on my Bookstagram and post more than just what I'm currently reading and then never talk about them again. Reviewing books have always scared me because I feel like there's a formula on how to do it. But reviews on Instagram are short and pretty casual so I want to get into the habit of writing more of them, especially for books I really enjoyed. The reason why I started making a bookstagram was to have a space to just talk about books and I want to share what I love. 


    Like I said, the goal is a no buy but if I do buy books I want to make more mindful choices. Instead of just buying books because they're inexpensive but I'm not really interested in reading them, I'd rather pay full price for something that I'm really excited about. Overall, I just want to be more mindful with my reading. Mindful of which books I spend money on, mindful of which books I choose to talk about online, mindful of which authors I'm supporting. 

iscelle robee


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