My professor sent out an email outlining the rest of the semester and mentioned that the coffee creamer she recently bought expires in 2021 - that's how close we are to the end of the year! This email made me laugh and then it made me think Oh God, we really are at the end of the year. Whenever November comes around, I always think back on the rest of the year and what I've done. I think it goes without saying that this year has been terrible for a lot of reasons. At the beginning of quarantine there were so many posts about how to stay productive while working at home and in between those posts, there were ones that reminded us that we were in a global pandemic and that it's okay if we're not being productive. I very much preferred the latter mindset. Remember the early days of quarantine where it seemed like everyone bought a Nintendo Switch and were socializing by visiting other people's islands? Remember dalgona coffee? All the bread content? Those were the hopeful days where we really thought things would be better by fall. It doesn't look like things are getting better, at least in the U.S. it doesn't. I know other countries are having their second wave and they're on lockdown again and it's been interesting seeing the difference in reactions compared to back in March. It's to be expected that reactions aren't as severe because they've figured out a way to be more comfortable with being at home all the time. I don't really know the point of this post, I guess I just wanted to talk. Although I didn't achieve major things this year, I'm proud of the fact that I finally started my bookstagram, posting on YouTube, and brought back this blog. These three things have been my creative outlets to turn to whenever I need a break. I'm going to continue posting across all three platforms even when the pandemic is over, whenever that may be. 

iscelle robee


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