I will admit that the last time I had a proper reading period was last fall when I read like three books in one week. I think it was because I was reading YA books and I was actually excited to read them. I just should stop pretending to like adult contemporary books and read my true loves, which is YA. 

Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen
I just said I would be reading YA but Jane Austen is my favorite and I've been reading this book on and off for months now. I want to finally finish it so I can read the next book.

Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
Did any of you read/see 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies'? I read the book and I actually laughed out loud while reading, which is rare for me. This one is from the same publishing house as Zombies so I'm looking forward to how they're going to incorporate sea monsters into the story.

Night Circus - Erin Morginstern
Another book that I've been reading on and off. Well, mostly off. I think the last time I actually picked it up was earlier in the year? Maybe even last year, to be honest. Nonetheless, I want to get through it since I know a lot of people really like it.

Do I have a lot of book that I haven't read and are just collecting dust on my bookshelves? Yes. Does that stop me from wanting more books? No.

I read "Three Dark Crowns" when it first came out last year but since then, there's been two more books that have been released from the same series and two novellas. "One Dark Throne" is the second book, "Two Dark Reigns" is the third, "The Young Queens" and "The Oracle Queen" are the two prequel novellas. The two novellas were combined into one book, "Queens of Fennbrin", and I think I'm going to get that instead of the two separate novellas.

Ransom Riggs has a new book coming out next week and I'm so excited for it! It's the fourth installment of the Peculiar Children series, which is the series that I absolutely devoured last fall and reminded me that YA is what I really love reading.

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