I've been thrift shopping since I was little, only at the time I didn't know it was "thrift shopping". When my family still lived in the Philippines, we would regularly go to "ukay ukay", which is roughly translates to "dig" or "look through". So ukay ukay refers to the act of having to look through clothes whenever you go shopping. 

I'll admit that I haven't done a lot of thrift shopping now that I'm older. It's just so much easier to go to the mall, see clothes that I like, pick out my size (which will most likely be available, unlike at thrift stores) and go on my way. But on days where you're not looking for anything in particular, it's nice going through thrift stores and seeing what you can find. And you can find some really nice things for super cheap prices. The thrift store that I went to is the one close to my university and the other two times that I've been there were successful as well. I never go crazy but the few pieces that I have from there are ones that I wear a lot. I also got a copy of 'Lolita' because 1) I love book 2) Lolita has been on my To Read list for years and 3) it's the British edition and I am in love.

iscelle robee


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