Was it just me or was 2015 a difficult year? A lot of things happened this year and even the things that didn't happen to me personally still affected me. It's exhausting seeing and hearing bad news everywhere you go. It seemed like 2015 was just a parade of bad news after another. 

Personally, this was a mentally difficult year. It was really hard for me to focus and be motivated to do the things I was supposed to. I felt like I was just doing things on autopilot, not really knowing how or why I was doing them. I had a routine and I just followed it. Normally, I love routines but this time I just felt caged in and like I couldn't do the things I wanted. I just felt heavy.

I'm started to get better now and I've decided to take a semester off from uni and take classes at a community college close to home. I'm hoping being at home and being in a familiar setting will ease my anxiety and help me have a clearer mind. I've got plans for 2016 and I'm not letting my dreams just be dreams.

2015 may be a year to remember because of difficult times but I'm determined to remember 2016 as a year of happiness and personal growth. A year that I can look back on and be proud of.

iscelle robee


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