It's November already, and I'm not going to lie, I was kind of upset when October ended because that meant Vlogtober would be over. If you don't know what that is, Vlogtober is when YouTubers vlog everyday throughout October. This is my first time really watching Vlogtober videos and a lot of the people I follow did some variation of Vlogtober but there were only a few that I really followed and looked forward to everyday.

WARNING: Major fangirling ahead. I've known about sunbeamsjess since I started watching YouTubers three years ago, but I wasn't really interested in her channel because she mostly does fashion videos and I'm more into makeup. I don't remember why, I think one of her vlogs was on the recommended section of YouTube?, but I started watching her Vlogtober about a week into October and I was hooked immediately. Like, when I watched all the ones she had uploaded I got sad about the fact that I'd have to wait for more, and then I watched last year's Vlogtober, and then her Vlogmas videos from last year. Yup. I'm quite obsessed with her vlogs. Even now, I play her Vlogtober playlist just as background noise. She's a new fave.

Fleur had a busy October. She traveled alot for work and even though her vlogs weren't very long, I loved seeing her daily life with her husband, Mike, and their cute dogs! I feel like Fleur is an OG YouTuber and it was nice seeing more of her real life since I didn't know much about her.

Formerly known as beautycrush, Sammi was one of the very first YouTubers I knew about even though I didn't watch her videos. From watching her vlogs, I can tell that she's really down to earth and I like that she talks about her feelings and shares more personal things with her audience. She also has two french bulldogs that are precious!

iscelle robee


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