Can I be a studyblr now or what? If you're like me then your aesthetics include laying out your notebooks, textbooks and pretty pens to take a picture of you 'studying' but not actually study. Yup - I'm guilty of that. I also really like desk tours because pretty stationary is a weakness of mine and it's always nice to see people's work place. I live in a dorm so my desk is built in. The desk has two drawers and an overhead light.

Bottom right shelf
Above my desk is a bookshelf with shelves that I can move around to change the height. I put my textbooks and notebooks on bottom left side, separated into MWF and TTR. On the bottom right, I have my journals and the few books that I brought with me. That's also where my Piggy chills. On the top left shelf, I have a basket where I put random things that don't really belong anymore else and spare notebooks. On the top right shelf, I have my Voldemort wand, my camera, a chocolate frog and a love potion.

Bottom left shelf
Top left shelf
Top right shelf

On the wall to the left of my desk is a bulletin board that came with the dorm. I keep a printout of my schedule, pictures of my favorite bloggers and celebrities, and random quotes I like. I also use push pins to hang my necklaces and bracelets on the board.

iscelle robee


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