Being a leader is difficult: I already knew this but it's really hit me this past month. It comes with every leadership position and you can't do anything about it. It's hard when you have you're own opinions but you also have to take in other people's opinions into consideration. You have to do damage control when things hit the fan, even if it has nothing to do with you, and every decision you make affects the whole group, not just you. I'm trying my best not to blow up at anything but things are so crazy right now, I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet.

When it comes down to it, your well being come first: This one is pretty self explanatory. Please, please, please take care of yourself. Take a break, and remember that it's okay to say no.

Don't get caught up in what people say: About you, about other people, about anything. Remember that it's their opinion and just because they said it doesn't mean it's true. 

Boy are weird: Ladies, you're with me on this one right? I'm pretty sure this statement will hold truth, no matter age you are.

Hard work does pay off: All those nights where you stayed up late to study, all those rough mornings where you got up early to go work out, all those hours you put into one project; your future self will thank you for it. Trust me, it may be hard now but the results will be worth it.

Here's the quote that kept me going through the month: "Bad stuff happens. Sometimes it makes no sense at all. Sometimes its unfair. Sometimes, it just plain sucks. Bad stuff happens sometimes. Always remember that, but remember that you have to move on somehow. You just pick your head up and stare at something beautiful like the sky, or the ocean, and you move the hell on."

iscelle robee


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