No School : It's been fun and all but I'm ready for a month an a half of not having to worry about assignments and essays and meetings. I just want to chill and sleep in until two in the afternoon.

My own room : I didn't realize how much I missed sleeping in my own bed until Thanksgiving break and I am counting down the hours until I get home. I'm also looking forward to taking a shower without having to wear slippers - I repeat counting down the hours.

Home cooked meals : The thing about having a meal plan is that you get tired of eating the food served in the cafe quickly. Especially because we're going to have a lot of people over at our house this winter, my mom is going to be doing a lot of cooking and I cannot wait to stuff myself with eggrolls and pansit.

Family : Aside from seeing my family everyday, I have relatives visiting during the break! My Godmother and her family is coming to visit and we haven't seen each other in three years so I'm looking forward to seeing them! Relatives from Canada and Illinois are also coming down to visit.

Work: I'm not sure if I will be able to work but if I do then I will be super happy! I worked at a church daycare before going to university and I really miss my babies!

What are you guys looking forward to during the winter break?

iscelle robee


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