heritage festival

When we left Waterton, we went to Edmonton where most of my aunts lived. The kids all slept at Mama Voily's house. We all camped out in the living haha! The weekend we got to Edmonton, we went to Hawrelak Park for the Heritage Festival. We took the bus from Edmonton Mall, which was something I was really excited about because we don't really have public transportation here in Pearland. We bought the tickets, and we all went seperate ways. Of course, my partner in crime, Danica, was with me and so was my brother and Auntie Eugene. We ate at a lot of different places, but we only took a few pictures. We were too busy eating~ It was hot during the festival. Not Texas-hot, but still hot. There was a lot of people there too. While we were walking around, I couldn't help but notice all the hipter-esque people there. I admit, I was openly staring at some of them :P

Bulgogi Taco 
Bulgogi Combo. This was soooo good!

Waiting in line for at the Italian Pavilion 

Chocolate Gelato :)

Henna Tattoos at the Pakistan Pavilion with Danica!

We got some melon drink, gulaman drinks, and some toron here. 


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