One of the first beauty YouTubers I follow, Fleur de Force, recently posted a video where they said they would stop posting videos to focus on other ventures. Even though I was still subscribed to them, I wasn't really watching their videos anymore but when I watched that announcement video I actually got a big teary. 

    It reminded me of when I first got into YouTube, which is not that long after I started blogging regularly. I first got into Youtube because of the beauty community, specifically the British beauty community on YouTube. A lot of them were also bloggers so of course I was following their blogs as well. I remember being so fascinated with the community they had, they all pretty much had the same story as to why they started blogging: got bored on summer and decided to start a blog. It sounded so simple when they talked about it and 

Zoe Sugg aka Zoella

    The queen of UK blogger/YouTubers. If you were on YouTube in  2014/2015, then you'd definitely know who Zoe. I feel like she was the British counterpart to Bethany Mota. Their channel was a mix of fashion and beauty, lots of hauls, collabs with other YouTubers and all packaged with a relatable and bubbly personality. Zoe hasn't posted on her main account for a long time now and her vlog channel is much more active. I stopped watching her vlogs because they felt too out of reach. Even though she was just going about her day to day life, that life included going to shoots, meetings with publishers and her Zoella team. It felt like I was watching a celebrity's vlog instead of a regular person on YouTube. 

The Anna Edit aka ViviannaDoesMakeup

    Anna was my ultimate blog inspo because she used to do daily blogging and I was amazed at how even a short post was so well written and thought out. I think Anna is the only one on this list that I still actively follow on Instagram and subscribe to on YouTube. Every once in a while I'll watch her vlog if it's work/productivity focused but other than that, I just skip over them.

Lily Pebbles aka What I Heart Today

    If you liked Anna, then you most likely also liked Lily. The two of them used to do a lot of collabs together and even had a podcast together (I don't know if they're still doing that?). I think, out of everyone on my list, Lily was the one I unsubscribed/unfollowed to the earliest and I really don't have a real reason why. Every once in a while, their Instagram posts will show up on my Discover page but other than that I really don't know what they're up to now. 

Lily Melrose

    If you followed Lily on her fashion blog, you'll know that her style was the style of the day. It was very 2012 Tumblr and I loved it. Another reason I really liked their blog is because they would post outfit pictures in the same way you would post them on Instagram now. They would just post pictures with no text and they weren't, still aren't, overly polished  outfit pictures. If you go to their blog now, they uses mirror selfies for their posts. They've stopped uploading videos so I only see them on Instagram but I don't really follow what they're doing anymore.

Here are some other bloggers-turned-YouTubers that I used to follow:

- Estee Lalonde aka essie button

- Amelia Liana

- Corrie Bromfield aka dizzybrunette3

- Alix aka I Covet Thee

iscelle robee


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