In previous posts, I spoke about downsizing my makeup. Giving away and getting rid of products I wasn't using just filling in gap that needed to be filled. As a whole, I've toned down on my impulse buying and have talked myself out of buying a lot of things that would made me happy for some time but ultimate end up just taking up space in my already very filled room. Hailey Evans video about her decision to do a no buy year showed up on my recommendations page and the whole concept just makes sense to me. Questioning whether or not you'll actually use it, not buying things only because they're trendy, looking at what you already have and seeing if they can do the same job. Isn't that how normal consumerism should be anyway?

I've known this for a long time now, but buying things is the foolproof way of making me feel better, of "self care". It's never big things. Usually a new book or a some stationery. It doesn't even have to be material things. It could be buying coffee or getting boba, even something as simple as buying groceries. I think it's just the concept of obtaining new things, no matter how long they'll be in my possession. Obviously, this isn't a healthy habit. This is the main reason why I wanted to do a no buy. I need to find another outlet and stop relying on material things, no matter how small.

Here are the rules to my no buy year.

Stationery - Have I talked about my notebooks drawers? Yup. Two whole drawers in my dresser our filled with unused notebooks and journals. Again, I have toned down on buying notebooks but one thing I always do when I visit a new stationery shop is buy one notebook and that always ends up sitting in my drawer. Yes, I use up a journal because I regularly journal but I buy a new one to replace it instead of using one I already have so my collection doesn't get smaller. With my no buy in place, that means I can't buy a new one when my current journal finishes and I'll have to use one that I already have.

Extra Makeup - This one shouldn't be a surprised. I've downsized my makeup and I only have one thing per makeup category now. This just means I can't buy a new bronzer or lipstick that a YouTuber recommended. I already have a bronzer and more than enough lipsticks, and I don't need more.

Homeware - This should just be renamed "Target dollar section". I get sucked in every time. No more cute little porcelain jewelry dishes and seasonally decorated mugs.

Books - I can't not buy books but I will admit that I buy books at a faster rate than I read them. Doing a one in, one out system will make me thing about which books I actually enjoyed and still want in my collection. It'll also make me read more books so make way for others that I want.

Clothes/Bags - I rarely buy fashion items and when I do, it's either from Ross or the thrift store. I don't like spending money on fashion items but I do have a lot of clothes despite regularly clearing out my closet. Just like with the books, doing a one in, one out system will show me what I actually like to wear and choose to keep.

Toiletries - I will, of course, need things like shampoo and face wash and other skincare. But I need to use up everything I have before replacing them with just one. That means I need to finish up all the moisturizers I have before deciding which one I'm repurchasing, and only one.

Makeup - I know makeup was on the no buy list but this is for products that I've run out of. Mascara, eyeliner, and brows are the ones I replace most often. Once I've run out, I can replace them.

Hannah's videos are a great way to learn more about the no buy concept, and she was Hailey's inspiration for doing it. Hannah's no year is over now but I'll be watching her old videos throughout this year as a source of inspiration for my own project. I'm going to be following the same things she set up for herself. Things for work or school are allowed, and spending money on experiences is okay. It's really just to see what you can live without, making use of what you already have and having a clearer idea of what you've been spending your money on. I'm looking forward to this experience. I feel like I'll learn a lot about myself. 

iscelle robee


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