Hello, hello. Me disappearing for months and months and then coming back with excuses and promises isn't new around here. My usual spiel is that I have no inspiration on what to post about and that life has been kicking my butt. Both those reasons are true and apply to this disappearance as well but there's another reason why I haven't been blogging and that's my journal. 

I started my blog so I could have a creative outlet where I could write about the things I like and for years this blog became sort of my diary, minus the more personal things. But since I started writing in a journal consistently, I no longer feel the need to write on here. That's not to say I don't like this space anymore, I still do. OST will forever be my baby and I love going back and reading old posts. There's just something about a physically writing things down and seeing your words in your own handwriting. I'm sure you guys understand what I'm talking about.

Until my comeback, I'll leave this space as it is.

iscelle robee


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