THANK YOU, 2017.

This might be going up a little late and that's because I've been too cold to really do anything today. Alright, let's backtrack. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Can you guys believe that we're into another year? A new year and the first of the month on a Monday is giving me major "new year, new me" vibes and I'm all here for it.

I think everyone can agree that last year was a weird one. Personally, 2017 was all over the place for me. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and I started seeing a doctor for it. It definitely helped and even though I no longer go to sessions, I still apply some of the things I learned from my sessions to help me deal with things. My mental health got really bad at the end of 2016 and that's when I decided to drop out of my four year university, move back home and attend a community college near by. It was already my third year of college but I was nowhere near getting a bachelor's degree and while that was a hard pill to swallow, it was a result of something I had to do for the sake of my mental health. I'm still planning on going back and getting my bachelor's but right now, I'm just going get an Associate's Degree, hopefully work for a little bit, before going back to school. 

I was still in a pretty bad head space at the beginning of the year but as we went further into the year, my head just became clearer and I felt lighter. I still go through times that mirror how I was early on in the year but not nearly was bad. This fall semester was a really good semester for me, in terms of academics, mental health and socially. I loved the people I met and I'm excited to have more classes with them this upcoming semester.

I'm looking forward to 2018. I'm not sure what's going to happen and I'm learning to be okay with that.

iscelle robee


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