I think we can all agree that 2016 is a year to remember. Whenever I think back on 2016, all the bad automatically comes to mind. The bad that happened to me and the bad that happened around the world. I mean, I could have an entire series just talking about the bad but we get enough of that everywhere else so I decided to come up with some of my favorite things about last year.
  • Planning a surprise party for my parent's silver wedding anniversary
  • Going to the Alessia Cara concert with Kat
  • Spending a semester with Colleen, a friend I've had since fifth grade
  • Beyonce's Lemonade album
  • Taking a much needed break from regular university
  • Getting accepted back into my uni
  • Getting an internship for the summer with Kat
  • Meeting Sheryn Regis
  • Finally dying my hair
  • Getting Colourpop products for the first time and getting addicted oops
  • Spending a lot of time with Kat because I normally don't see her that much during summer
  • Planning for the launch party
  • The launch party
  • Meeting my baby niece when I went to Canada in the summer
  • Dying my hair purple/silver, which eventually faded into gray and gave me life
  • Being more "woke" and being more socially and politically aware
  • Teen Vogue being more "woke" and kicking ass, once again telling me that I need to work there
  • Renting a house and living off campus
  • Having my own room
  • Not having to share a kitchen with the entire dorm
  • Cutting out toxic people out of my life
  • Finally taking French classes
  • My photojournalism class
  • Colourpop Ultra Satin Lip in Tansy (yes, it deserves an individual mention)
  • My niece and nephew being born
  • All the good movies/shows/documentaries I found through Tumblr (there's too many to list)
  • The friends I made in my classes
  • Feeling lighter

I feel like there was a lot more but those are the ones that I can think of at the top of my head. So here's to another year over and another beginning. Happy New Year, everyone!

iscelle robee


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