A little late compared to when I usually put up my "What I Learned" post but university has started again and I'm feeling a little lost. Being back at school just felt really weird and uncomfortable and even now, in the third week, I'm still not fully adjusted back to school life. So I apologize that posts haven't been happening but I promise once October hits, the posts will be back to their regular schedule! Now on to what I learned in the last month or so.

Your plans don't always work out: I am a planner and a list maker and that's just how I've always functioned. I like planning everything because it gives me a sense of security knowing what's going to happen next, or rather what's supposed to happen next. But unfortunately, life doesn't work that way and you can plan down to the smallest details but like Murphy's Law says; anything that can do wrong, will go wrong.

You always have a choice: You know those situations where you did something because you "had no choice" but to do it? Well, my loves, you always have a choice. You might have to deal with harsh consequences but you always have a choice.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish 

People will always have opinions: It's up to you to decide whether or not you let them affect.

You won't always be lost: It gets better, trust me,

iscelle robee


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