Book Worm

Some of the books I have piling up, waiting for me to read them

I don't have a beauty related post today. Instead, I thought i'd read my reading lists! I used to read so much, like two or three books in a week. But once I started high school, I didn't really have time to read for fun. It wasn't until recently that I got the reading bug back. My friend, Anita, had been telling me about John Green since eighth grade but for some reason every time I get new books I forget about John Green and get something else. So when I found out that one of my friends had his books, I immediately asked if I could borrow them. I read "Looking for Alaska" in two days and now I can't stop reading. I already had a pile of 10-15 books that I still haven't read on my shelf and the other day I got 5 more. Eeep! It feels good to be reading again. It brings me back to eighth grade where all I did was read and write. Ohh, how I long to go back to that time.

iscelle robee


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